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About the Scottish Children's Lottery

The Scottish Children’s Lottery has been launched to raise funds for, and improve the lives of, young people right across Scotland.

The Scottish Children’s Lottery gives you the chance to win fantastic cash prizes, whether it be playing in our Monday and Thursday draws or our brand NEW subscription game, Always IN! at the same time as donating to a range of good causes.

Unlike a national lottery, the Scottish Children’s Lottery is the brand name for an umbrella scheme which promotes a draw on behalf of a charitable society called Scottish Children’s Lottery Trust. You can find out more here.

The Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation – or SCIO – has been established to work with key projects relating to the health and welfare of children across Scotland, with a particular focus on alleviating child poverty.

Every time you play the Scottish Children’s Lottery, you are helping to support the great work that our charities undertake.

Who runs the Scottish Children’s Lottery?

The Scottish Children’s Lottery is a trading name of MBC ELM LTD (MBC ELM), which is registered in Scotland (company number: SC513712).

MBC ELM Ltd is licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission under account number 45374. See license status here.