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BEE- Brighter East End (BEE)

BEE- Brighter East End (BEE)

Say hello to BEE- Brighter East End (BEE), a charity on a mission to create a safe and welcoming environment, offering practical support and opportunities to uplift the most vulnerable in and around Easterhouse. Their work is making a real difference, and we’re excited to share their latest project!

Brighter East End recently received a £1,600 grant to launch their new Young Volunteer Photography Project, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to support them. This exciting project is all about empowering young people through creativity and community engagement.

Part 1: Young Volunteers, aged 12-17, from BEE’s Young Volunteer Programme, along with other interested youth from the local area, will participate in photography workshops led by a professional photographer. They’ll dive into the world of photography, using their new skills to tackle a challenge for their Silver Youth Achievement Awards (Youth Scotland/SQA Accredited Awards).

Part 2: These talented Young Volunteers will then pass on their knowledge by running photography sessions for children aged 5-11, whom they already mentor. Together, they’ll work towards Hi5 Awards and create a Community Event to showcase their work, celebrating the achievements of both groups.

We can’t wait to see the creativity and community spirit that this project will inspire. A huge thank you to everyone who plays the Scottish Children's Lottery - you’re the reason this funding is possible!

"A big thank you to everyone who plays the Scottish Children's Lottery - your support makes all the difference!"

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